Garden Room – Blackheath
Design Brief
Another great collaboration and the result of highly organised teamwork between the architect, Ana Sutherland of Francisco Sutherland Architects, Nara Paiva of NP Architectural Design and the brilliant craftsmen of Azure Notions Ltd who carried out the installation of the stunning, bespoke garden room and the hard landscaping elements of the garden. Once again, we were called upon to plant up the intimate planting spaces to provide colour, wildlife value and scent wherever possible. The clients were keen to attract wildlife from the wooded corridor at the rear of the property whilst retaining a small lawn for their young family. Although the space in small in common with many Span houses of Blackheath, this project really show how every square inch can be maximised to great effect.

Just a few of the plants used…
Acer ‘Katsura’, Allium schoenoprasum, Amelanchier lamarckii, Daphne ‘Pink Fragrance’, Digitalis lutea, Erigeron karvinskianus, Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’, Gaura ‘Geyser Pink’, Helleborus niger, Libertia grandiflora, Mahonia ‘Soft Caress’, Nandina domestica, Prunus ‘Kojo-no-mai’, Salvia ‘Caradonna’, Syringa ‘Josee’, Verbena bonariensis ‘Lollipop’
Grey brick pavers, Jacksons slatted fencing, Porcelain paving, Bespoke cedar timber pergolas
Team members
Azure Notions Ltd –
Fransisco Sutherland Architects –
NP Architectural Design –
Photos kind courtesy of Azure Notions Ltd