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"I need help creating my dream garden, where do I start?"

Contact us: 01322 865566
Or email

We'll then arrange an initial visit to explain our expert service and how we work.

We'll discuss your requirements with you and guide you through the various options available, with examples from our extensive portoflio of past gardens.

We can plant your garden for you...

If you just need new plants for the garden, then we'll provide a free quotation for you and plant your garden to provide you with year-round colour and a really attractive finish. See our planting service details here.

...or design the garden with new paving and construction

If you need more than just plants we'll compile a free design brief which will help to clarify the ideas right from the start.

Full service design process

We offer a fully comprehensive design package to ensure each garden is carefully planned, paying attention to the specific demands of each client:

  • Site Survey
  • Coloured concept plan and full specifications
  • Planting plan
  • Full project management start to finish

The site survey

The next stage is the site survey (unless one has been carried out before) which allows us to draw up an accurate scaled layout plan. The site survey is carried out to establish all the necessary measurements. Digital photos of the garden can be taken for reference and a soil test may be carried out to determine what character the soil has - this will influence the types of plants that can be used.

The concept design

All the information gathered during the survey will be coupled with the design ideas and clients wishes and desires and translated into a scaled, coloured base plan. All the main features and ideas are clearly shown. The client keeps a colour copy of all design work drawn up. Plant lists can be drawn up during this stage, planting plans created where required and costings calculated for the construction stage. The concept design shows the main ideas and types of planting, together with materials.

The concept design consists of the following:

  1. Fully Scaled, coloured 2D plan
  2. Perspective view
  3. Full written specifications
  4. Material samples
  5. Contractor quotes

The 2D plan will show 3D perspective views through the garden to give a visual artists impression of how the garden will look at eye level. A full written specification is also provided to give the contractors clear instructions as to the layout and building of the garden. The concept plan is the simplest way of showing how the space in the garden is best used for full effect (very important in small gardens).

The planting plan

When you are happy with the design, we proceed to a detailed planting plan, which shows the positions of all the plants together with names and quantities. We also provide colour photo samples of the new plants so you can see the style of the new planting scheme. Not all design companies offer this, but we believe it's essential as part of our service to you.

Quotations for construction and planting

Once the design and planning has been done, we can offer preferred landscapers (in the case of larger gardens) to arrange the construction stage. The scheduling of building work needs to be discussed at the stage of quoting for the hard landscaping part of the project and is solely at the discretion of the landscapers concerned.

Client liaison service

We firmly believe that overseeing the construction of a garden is important to ensure our designs are implemented exactly to our specifications. This also provides peace of mind for the client as any problems can receive our on site attention. All hard landscaping, e.g. paths, walls, pergolas etc. are constructed by independent, professional, highly experienced landscapers. Soft landscaping is carried out by ourselves or fellow landscapers. Only high quality materials and plants are used.

At all stages of design and construction, the client is kept well informed as to the progression of the work and what sort of time scale can be expected together with any costs which occur during the various stages. This helps to reduce ‘hidden costs’. There is a small charge for this service.

With the new garden built and planted with colour and fragrance, pull out a chair, grab a good book, sit back and relax in your own private piece of Eden!....