Contemporary garden – Erith
Design Brief
Creating the best layout for a garden is often about making use of what’s already there and this small garden in Erith, Kent is a perfect example of what can be achieved when the design takes note of existing features, in this case the two beautiful birch trees which were positioned towards the end of the garden. Using these two trees as a starting point, we used them as columns for a central sculpture, the windowed wall with tinted looking glass. From there, a formal grid then unfolds back towards the house, with lush splays of grasses and seasonal shrubs and perennials to provide drama throughout the course of the year. Add in a cleverly positioned lighting system using Nitelux components and the garden comes alive at night with a tapestry of shadows and highlights.

Just a few of the plants used…
Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, Astrantia major, Heuchera ‘Solar Power’, Laurus nobilis (standards), Libertia grandiflora, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Pittosporum ‘Irene Paterson’, Salvia ‘Caradonna’, Stipa tenuissima, Verbena bonariensis ‘Lollipop’
Rendered block walling, Tinted glass, Grey engineering bricks, Stainless steel water feature, Nitelux lighting units
Construction by Creative Landscapes -
Lighting design by Greenlite -